- Title: Mineral Locality Map of Texas
- Author: E. H. Sellards, Glen L. Evans, Leo Hendricks
- Date: 1944
- Condition: Very good - folded, minor tears at fold intersections
- Inches: 50 x 39 3/4 [Image]
- Centimeters: 127 x 100.96 [Image]
- Product ID: 308292
"Assistance in assembling information for this map has been obtained from mineral producers in Texas, County Agricultural Agents, County Judges and Commissioners Courts of Texas, the United States Bureau of Mines, United States Geological Survey, State Board of Water Engineers, Bureaus of Industrial Chemistry, Engineering Research, and Business Research of The University of Texas, and from authors’ associates in the Bureau of Economic Geology. The location of oil and gas fields has been made available by the oil-producing companies of the State. Available literature has been utilized. The mineral localities discovered and explored in cooperation with the Work Projects Administration, 1936 to 1942, are included.
Information on oil and gas fields has been assembled chiefly by Leo Hendricks; on other minerals by E. H. Sellards and Glen L. Evans, with special acknowledgments to V. E. Barnes, Carl Chelf, F. B. Plummer, R. C. Red-field, H. B. Stenzel, and Lincoln Warren."
The Bureau of Economic Geology is the oldest research unit at The University of Texas at Austin, established in 1909. The Bureau is the State Geological Survey of Texas and has been an integral part of the development of the state’s economic success through the years. It remains extremely active today, conducting integrated geoscience research on relevant energy, environmental, and economic issues. Bureau researchers spearhead basic and applied research projects globally in energy resources and economics, coastal and environmental studies, land resources and use, geologic and mineral mapping, hydrogeology, geochemistry, and subsurface nanotechnology.