- Title: La Ville de Bagdad, dans la Turquie
- Author: Pieter van der Aa
- Date: 1680
- Medium: Copperplate engraving
- Condition: Excellent - light age toning
- Inches: 14 x 11 5/8 [Image]
- Centimeters: 35.56 x 29.53 [Image]
- Product ID: 233195
"The City of Baghdad, in Turkey."
Map of the city of Baghdad, Iraq by Dutch cartographer Pieter van der Aa. Includes a numbered legend indicating sites of importance in the city.
A. Tigre Riviere.
B. Château.
C. Porte du côté de la terre.
D. Port à la riviere.
E. Pont de batteaux.
F. Fauxbourg.
G. Mosquées.
A. Tigris River.
B. Castle.
C. Gate on the land side.
D. Port to the river.
E. Bridge of boats
F. Suburb.
G. Mosques.