- Title: Carte Generale d'Espagne
- Author: Nicholas Sanson
- Date: 1641
- Medium: Hand-colored copperplate engraving
- Condition: Excellent
- Inches: 22 x 16 [Image]
- Centimeters: 55.88 x 40.64 [Image]
- Product ID: 224010
Map of Spain and Portugal by Nicholas Sanson, including parts of north Africa and France.
Carte Generale D'Espagne et de tous les Royaumes y compris Nouvellement dressee par N. Sanson d'Abbeville Geographe du Roy. A Paris par Melchior Tavernier Idrographe & graveur Ordre du Roy pour les Cartes geographiques Et a present chez Pierre Mariette, rue St. Iacques a l'Esperance. Avec Privilege Du Roy.
"General Map Of Spain and of all including kingdoms. Newly drawn up by N. Sanson of Abbeville, Geographer of the King. In Paris by Melchior Tavernier hydrographer & engraver of the King for geographical maps. And at present at Pierre Mariette, rue St. Jacques in l'Esperance. With Privilege of the King."