- Title: Recentissima totus Galliæ Regni Tabula Geographica
- Author: Homann Heirs
- Date: 1764
- Medium: Hand-colored copperplate engraving
- Condition: Very Good Plus - age toning, issued center fold, light foxing, minor paper loss top/ bottom margins
- Inches: 25 x 21 [Paper]
- Centimeters: 63.5 x 53.34 [Paper]
- Product ID: 101918
Recentissima totus Galliæ Regni Tabula Geographica, ad usum Scholasticæ Juventutis delineata per I. A. B. Rizzi Zannoni, Mathem. Prof. Patav: edentibus Homannianis Heredibus. Norimbergæ, 1764.
Tres nouvelle Carte du Royaume de France divisé en toutes ses Provinces et Gouvernements, dressée sur une nouvelle Observation Astronomique faite aux environ du Globe; assujetie aux memoires du feu M. Cassini de Thury, dans toute la France, mise au jour par I. A. B. Rizzi Zannoni, de Padoue, Prof. des Mathematiques, aux Depens des Heritiers de Homann. 1764. avec Privileg. Imperial.
"Most recent map of all the Kingdom of France for the use of scholastic youth outlined by I. A. B. Rizzi Zannoni, Mathematics Professor Padua: Homann Heirs. Nuremberg, 1764.
Very new Map of the Kingdom of France divided into all its Provinces and Governments, drawn up on a new Astronomical Observation made about the Globe; subject to the memoirs of the late M. Cassini de Thury, throughout France, brought to light by I. A. B. Rizzi Zannoni, of Padua, Professor of Mathematics. Homann Heirs. 1764 with Imperial Privilege."